Some geospatial data on this website is provided by geonames. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic harassment, fighting, or rude posts. Then you can either modify weapon values to be super high or you can modify enemy damage thresholds to be super low. In misery, you could take out an exo with a well placed pistol shot, and not even use a handcannon like DEagle. The Top 5 Best Stalker Call of Pripyat Mods

The enemies, however, happily take two shotgun shots to the head and keep on walkin' like Johnny Walker. I even run witout armor most of the time since it's always one-shot-kill for my character, so there is no use for it except environmental protection. I always play on Master difficulty, so that's not the point. Thanks guys, doing the AO now, but the weapons feel like an old chewed chewing gum - no spirit.Īlthough, there are many of them. You will find there most weapon mods that are remaked to be fully compatible with CoC. Best to look up into "addons" section on CoC page on moddb. I want the biggest amount of guns with the smallest amount of crashes. I've tried Call of Misery, but it drops like a bad suspension, so I'm looking for the same experience, but with a truckload of guns and gameplay changes towards realistic. Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts.