They can also use Assault and Sniper Rifles if they so choose. Sentinels do their best work from a medium distance and usually use Pistols and, in Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3, SMGs.

Related: How Mass Effect's Engineer Class Changes Over The ME Trilogy While not as powerful in weapon-based combat, Sentinels have a good balance of skills that make them an excellent complement class to the heavier-hitting squadmates. The Sentinel class combines biotic and tech abilities, allowing Shepard to control the environment and support and defend their squad. The other three, Vanguard, Sentinel, and Infiltrator, combine abilities from two classes to allow Shepard a greater range of combat options. Three classes, Soldier, Adept, and Engineer, are the pure combat, biotics, and tech classes, respectively.

In Mass Effect, there are six classes combining weapons combat, biotic, and tech abilities. Across the Mass Effect trilogy, players can select a class for their unique Commander Shepard from one of six options.